
reinforced steel bars welded to steel pipes, aluminum pipes, 3d-printed molds, fibreglass/resin composite casts, bare conductive touch boards, lipo batteries, rechargeable speakers, capacitive copper sensors

360 x 360 x 300cm

Resosseous [ resonating osseous structure ] is an exploration in the relationship between form, space, sound, and social interaction. Polyhedral bone structures and their connecting ligaments are embedded with technology to evoke a collaborative interaction with any number of people in a given environment. The object remains dormant until it is engaged with, thereby transforming from a sculpture to a live instrument, a constantly evolving and performative domain.

Built and installed during a 2 week intensive design-construction- technology workshop at the 2016 European Architecture Students Assembly

Roles: workshop leader / co-creator, lead designer, creative technologist, fabrication, installation

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